Published Research

Short-Term Financial and Marketing Impact Assessment of COVID-19:  Opportunities for Extension-based Support

Frelier, J., Bampasidou, M., Motsenbocker, C., & Coleman, M.A. (2023).  Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 16(1).  

“Growing” Sustainable Horticulture Farmers

Coleman, M.A.; Bampasidou, M.; & Motsenbocker, C.E. (2022).  Journal of Food Distribution Research, 53 (1).

COVID-19 and Marketing Challenges for Food Producers in Louisiana

Bampasidou, M., Frelier, J., Coleman, M.A., & Motsenbocker, C. (2022).  Journal of Food Distribution Research, 53 (1).

Assessing the educational needs of new and beginning urban farmers in New Orleans, Louisiana

Coleman, M.A.; Bampasidou, M.; Motsenbocker, C.E.; McKinzie, W.R. (2021). Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 14(1).

Understanding Consumer Preferences for Nutritious Foods: Retailing Strategies in a Food Desert.

Weatherspoon, D.D., Oehmke, J.F., Coleman, M.A., & Weatherspoon, L.J. (2014. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Volume 17, Special Issue A.

Price and Expenditure Elasticities for Fresh Fruits in an Urban Food Desert.

Weatherspoon, D.D., Oehmke, J.F., Dembele, A.S., Coleman, M.A., Satimanon, T., & Weatherspoon, L.J. (2013). Urban Studies 50(1) 88–106.

Will Long Term Food Desert Consumers Purchase Fresh Fruits and Vegetables?

Weatherspoon, D.D., Oehmke, J.F., Coleman, M.A., Dembele, A., & Weatherspoon, L.J. (2012). Choices. Quarter 3.

Other Publications (technical reports, in-house reports)

Coleman, M.A. & Pirog, R. (May 17, 2023). Using Networks to Build Collaborative and Equitable Food Systems.  Community Strategies Group, Aspen Institute.

Bampasidou, M.; Motsenbocker; Coleman, M.A.; Fontenot, K.; & Melhado, S. (2022). Growing Farmers, Growing Communities: LSU AgCenter Extension Programs Support Local Food SystemsLouisiana Agriculture Magazine.

Coleman, M.A.  2021.  New and beginning farmer series:  Introduction to farm business planning.   School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center.

Coleman, M.A.  2021.  New and beginning farmer series:  Writing a farm business plan.   School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. 

Fall 2020 Exploring Farming Webinar Series.

This webinar series focused on new and beginning farmers interested in running small-scale farms with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and other specialty crops. The goal of this series was to provide realistic information to individuals interested in farming, agriculture, and the food system. Whether people have access to ¼ of an acre or 100 acres, there is a place for them in the food system.

Fall 2020 River Queen Greens Farmer Training Series.

Cheryl Nunes and Annie Moore own River Queen Greens, a Certified Naturally Grown vegetable farm in New Orleans, LA. Chery and Annie were gracious enough to share their farming knowledge on a variety of topics to assist new and beginning farmers.